[nycphp-talk] joomla configuration

Brian O'Connor gatzby3jr at
Thu Nov 5 19:42:25 EST 2009

Hey Guys

This is slightly off topic but I don't know where else to turn.

I just inherited a client who had their site developed in Joomla, and when
it came time for the developer to turn over the access things apparently
went south and the administrative password for Joomla was never given to the
client.  Now, he can't update his site.  He has access to the server with
all the source code, so I'm relatively sure the password can be reset.
However, I'm having trouble finding the variables I need in order to connect
tot he database and reset the variables.

where do I look in order to find out what database information the site is
using, and once I find that file, what specific variables am I supposed to
look at?

Thanks in advance,
Brian O'Connor

Brian O'Connor
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