[nycphp-talk] [OT, Full-HD video] 10gen CEO & DoubleClick Co-Founder Dwight Merriman presenting MongoDB, High-Performance SQL-Free Database to the NYC MySQL Group at Sun Microsystems

Eric hypertextpreprocessor at
Tue Nov 24 19:36:43 EST 2009

MongoDB, High-Performance SQL-Free Database
Dwight Merriman is CEO of 10gen, Chairman & Co-Founder of AlleyCorp, Co-Founder of Gilt Groupe and Co-Founder of DoubleClick. Dwight is one of the leading engineering minds in the Interactive industry, possessing a particular knack for solving the most complex problems.

Full-HD 720p video (30fps) plus MP3 audio and presentation slides at:

In 1995, Dwight co-founded DoubleClick and served as its CTO for ten years. Dwight was the architect of the DoubleClick ad serving infrastructure, DART, which serves tens of billions of ads per day. Dwight is Co-Founder, Chairman, and the original architect of Panther Express (now part of CDNetworks) a content distribution network (CDN) technology which serves hundreds of thousands of objects per second. Dwight is also Co-Founder of ShopWiki, at which he serves as chairman.

Please share with others the knowledge gained from this exceptional presentation by Tweeting about this video on Twitter (click-to-tweet-> ), posting to your Facebook profile: and sharing on LinkedIn:

Some of the topics that Dwight covers include:
  a.. MongoDB data storage format 
  b.. Querying a NoSQL database 
  c.. Case studies using MongoDB 
  d.. References in a non-relational DBMS 
  e.. Indexing 
  f.. Scaling and sharding 
  g.. Performance advantages
This exceptional NYC MySQL Group event at Sun Microsystems was made possible by Vork, the enterprise PHP framework designed for rapid development of performance-oriented scalable applications
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