[nycphp-talk] Database vs. Code

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Mon Nov 30 10:25:19 EST 2009

Hi Matt:

> As an FYI, I've done this 3-4 different ways in the past, where the DAL  
> was in stored procedures, a "man in the middle" code approach, and inside 
> shared libraries.  The problem with shared libraries right now is that  
> there are multiple front ends, and even if they are in PHP, some are  
> object oriented (MVC), and some are procedural.  Also, some of the front  
> ends may be developed not in PHP, which would render those libraries  
> useless.  The man in the middle approach is too big for us at this point. 
> So that really only leaves stored procedures, but I always question  
> putting all this logic in the database.

As you realize, there needs to be a programming language layer (in PHP, 
Perl, Python, Java, whatever) no matter what.  It is how the data gets 
passed to the DBMS, whether it is via INSERT statements, prepared 
statements, or executing stored procedures.

All of them work and they're all pretty much the same when it comes to 
the programming language layer.

I've never sat down and examined the speed of each approach.  Has anyone 


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