[nycphp-talk] Scripts to manage subversion and db schema

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Sun Oct 4 23:34:59 EDT 2009

On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Matt Juszczak <matt at> wrote:

> - Merge changes from trunk -> stable -> live repositories.  svn merge works
> well for this but it doesn't really track well.

Define "doesn't really track well" If you don't like how it looks in the
history, what do you expect scripts to accomplish? Comments that make it
easier to track forks and merges?

> - Manage db schema inside SVN.  Something like this:
> for Unix/MySQL.

I'm not sure SCM is the best tool for this job. I think what you need is a
tool that can generate the DDL scripts to make one databases schema match
anothers ( like RedGate SQL compare for MS SQL server), and a backup of your
production staging and test database at each branch or version of your app.
It won't eliminate the need for manual DML scripts (nothing does), but it
will give you the best possible chance of actually being able to migrate a
database up or down to an arbitrary version of the app. In actuality, you
only need a permanent copy of each version of the dev database, which should
be small, to make this work
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