[nycphp-talk] Drupal Framework / CMS Question

justin justin at
Mon Oct 12 12:22:17 EDT 2009

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Adrian Noland <anoland at> wrote:
> Says it better than I can:

>From Trever Twining, in the comments of that very same post:

"The author is entitled to his opinion, but it is seriously
misinformed. In haste he’s drawn up a huge variety of assumptions
about Drupal and its operation that could easily be put to rest with a
little bit of time with the system and it’s fantastic community of
developers and other professionals working with it every day.

"I think it’s equal to argue that you can do anything useful with
Rails without downloading additional code to assist, whether it’s more
gems, code snippets, and other things. Try doing anything but the 10
minute blog tutorial without knowing anything about Rails and see how
productive you are. At the end of that exercise, someone who hasn’t
spent the time to learn the framework could very well argue that Rails
sucks. But that would be an equally ill-formed opinion.

"My point is that these frameworks help with productivity because you
invest the time to become familiar with them. Such a framework will
always have shortcomings and bugaboos. The truth is tens of thousands
of people are doing incredible things with Drupal every day, both as a
framework and a CMS, and have found the ways around the things you
list as limitations."


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