[nycphp-talk] Arrays out of a file and back in?

David Krings ramons at
Tue Oct 20 20:15:15 EDT 2009

Leam Hall wrote:
> Down the road I'll get this going in a database, but at the moment I'm 
> stuck using flat files to store multi-dimensional array data. So I have 
> a file that gets imported, is used and potentially changed, and then 
> needs to be written back to a file if any data changed.
> Is there a good way to do this other than just iterate through each array?

Having never faced this issue this sounds like a job for an XML file and XML 
parser. My bet is that there are bazillion of those and they all do the job 
slightly differently or not at all.
I guess I leave you with this thought of my amateurish spirit, maybe it sparks 
some ideas.


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