[nycphp-talk] jobberBase feedback

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Sun Oct 25 08:30:00 EDT 2009

The long island linux user group uses jobber. You might want to consider
asking on that list. I've not used it extensively, but I was the one that
took the lilug logo and turned it onto the lilug jobs logo.

I have to ask,  "why make another job board?" though. At the longisland php
user group, we are working on redoing out site (curent: new: One of our design decisions was that we would not host
job postings, just aggregate RSS feeds from other job sites (localized to
longisland with keyword PHP of course). You eventually be able to submit a
new job opening  from our site, but it will go to the LILUG jobber board.

On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 1:08 AM, <webmaster at> wrote:

> Hello NYPHP,
>  Greetings, I have a request to build a jobs site and have found
>  jobberBase on a search. It is OpenSource and appears to have just
>  done a major feature release (last month?). Anyone have any
>  experience / advice about this package?
>  TIA for any help/ideas.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Webmaster                          mailto:webmaster at
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