[nycphp-talk] Off the shelp CMS w/o the layout?

Kristina Anderson ka at
Mon Oct 26 12:10:57 EDT 2009

> On Sun, 25 Oct 2009, Peter Becker wrote:
> > And one last question to Kristina, why CakePHP and not Zend?  Is 
it that 
> > your team already knows Cake or is their some technical preference?
> For me, Zend is less framework and more like a library, so its at a 
> level than many frameworks.
> -- 
> A
Peter, I asked and the answer I got was that "we already have a lot of 
code from the last guy in Cake".....

i.e., there isn't a really good reason, it just is the way it 
is...well we'll see if the proof-of-concept pans out...

There seem to be concerns that the database-access classes in Cake 
aren't agnostic enough to work with Silverstripe's database, but I 
think there are workarounds that will be effective.  (Silverstripe 
rebuilds its database based on enumerations of fields in the data 
classes and has its own naming conventions.)


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