[nycphp-talk] FormFeed

Michele Waldman mmwaldman at
Sat Oct 31 14:57:04 EDT 2009

Thank you.  I downloaded the fpdf html to pdf conversion class to format the




From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Justin Dearing
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 10:51 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] FormFeed



On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 6:03 PM, Michele Waldman <mmwaldman at>

I'm using a PhpMailer() class that I or someone downloaded.

Do you mean one of these: If so which one
and which version. If you don't remember opening up the class  


I'm trying to insert a page break in a fax.  Shouldn't "\f" work?

I'm doing $mailerInstance->MsgHTML($faxbody."\f".$msgbody);

Well the question is what  does the fax gateway support in terms of page
break? What fax gateway are you using. \f  does insert a form feed
character, but how the fax gateway interprets it is the issue..


So the question is what fax gateway are you using, and how do you tell that
fax gateway to do a form feed. If your gateway does not support any explicit
form of form feed, Maybe you can make the fax body an email attachment to
achieve the result you want.


If you really care about the formatting of the fax, and your gateway will
print attachments, consider TCPDF. This class generates PDFs, which
naturally give you more control over the output of the document. This will
alse save paper during test cycles, since you can jsut generate the PDF and
email it to yourself, and be fairly confidant that the fax output will be
the same as what you see in acrobat reader.

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