[nycphp-talk] Database, table, and column naming schemes

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Sat Sep 12 20:38:51 EDT 2009

In my experience, the most important thing is consistency.  Almost  
everything else is a matter of taste.

For instance, some folks like to name columns with the table name as a  
prefix on every column (except foreign keys):

create table a(
	a_id int,
	a_value varchar(64),
	a_created datetime

create table b (
	b_id int,
	a_id int references a.a_id
	b_value varchar(128),
	b_created datetime

This is a smart thing to do as every column, across all tables, has a  
unique name (unless it's a foreign key)

However, it can create a lot of typing, which can be annoying.

On the other hand, you can be more concise:

create table a(
	id int,
	value varchar(64)
	created datetime

create table b(
	id int,
	value varchar(64),
	created datetime

This saves some typing, but can create annoying ambiguity.  Join  
operations end up requiring more specific selection critera (SELECT  
a.title as a_title, b.title as b_title).

I used to use the former method almost exclusively.  However, as I  
started playing with various frameworks, I've switched to the latter  
as those I've worked with kind of expect it.  Probably because various  
_call() based magic ends up looking nicer in userland code.

If you have more specific considerations, feel free to get more  


On Sep 12, 2009, at 8:17 PM, matt at wrote:

> Does anyone have any good naming conventions for mysql databases and  
> tables and columns?  I'm developing a complex lamp project now, and  
> my normal convention doesn't seem to want to work too well for this  
> project - there are a few conflicts.
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