[nycphp-talk] Is this XML valid? (Matt!)

David Roth davidalanroth at
Sun Sep 20 01:31:34 EDT 2009

> No, it's not an older method. There is no absolute definition of  
> when to use
> elements versus attributes. There are, however, some attempts at  
> defining
> general principles:
Thanks for the link and the code example, Mark. I certainly learned  
something here and realize my XML existence has been somewhat sheltered.

In the absence of no absolute definition, I propose we refer to the  
more common XML expected as "The Popular XML" version. :-)

I guess if approach XML as a programming language, then there are many  
methods to make use of it. I've thought of XML as I do HTML as being a  
format and not a programming language. I had a similar discussion  
years ago when someone argued that nroff was a language because it  
could do loops.

David Roth

PS: Matt, not Mark. Sorry about that. :-)
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