[nycphp-talk] Yahoo Special Presentation - Topic Selection

Konstantin K kkrutoi at
Fri Sep 25 13:50:04 EDT 2009

Mobile data

On Friday, September 25, 2009, Hans Zaunere <lists at> wrote:
> All,
> We've gotten a limited response and I encourage people to take advantage of
> this opportunity to pick a topic from a top Yahoo developer.  We will be
> submitting the topic this afternoon.
> H
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-
>> bounces at] On Behalf Of Hans Zaunere
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 7:00 PM
>> To: 'NYPHP Talk'
>> Subject: [nycphp-talk] Yahoo Special Presentation - Topic Selection
>> Hi all,
>> As a precursor to the Yahoo Hack Day (free event, see
>> for details and to register), we're
> pleased
>> to hold a special presentation by YDN's Tom Hughes-Croucher on Thursday,
>> October 8th (details to follow).
>> We have some options for the presentation topic, which I've outlined
> below.
>> Please provide feedback and votes on your favorite topic ASAP (either
>> discuss on list, or vote by emailing me directly).
>> Our options are:
>>    * Get any Web Data as if you are using SQL: a YQL quick-start guide
>>    * Accessibility: What, Why, How?
>>    * Mobile Data: how to avoid the latency trap when using web services
>> Thank you to Yahoo and Tom for making this possible, and we look forward
> to
>> your response.
>> ---
>> Hans Zaunere / Managing Member / New York PHP
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