[nycphp-talk] Good DB abstraction layer

Greg Rundlett (freephile) greg at
Wed Sep 30 00:06:11 EDT 2009

I'm architecting the next-generation platform for web development at
my company.  I need to connect to a MSSQL Server for copying our data
feed, and use PostgreSQL and MySQL locally.  I'm looking at Symfony
for application development and Drupal for Content Management plus
functionality that fits well with the Drupal way.  So, I expect that
for the foreseeable future, I'll have a mixed DB environment.

I see that Symfony uses PDO [1], which in turn has drivers for
PostgreSQL and MySQL but the driver for MSSQL is marked

I'm wondering what approaches people have found successful and tips or
advice in this area (mixed DB environments including MSSQL).

For example, since I may also develop OpenOffice applications that
interact with the PostgreSQL database through an ODBC driver, I am
thinking using the PDO ODBC [2] driver to connect to MSSQL might also
be better than using the 'experimental' MSSQL driver.  I would like to
avoid using specific extensions if possible (i.e. MSSQL extensions to
PHP) since I'd like the code to be more cross-platform, simple, and



Greg Rundlett

nbpt 978-225-8302
m. 978-764-4424
-skype/aim/irc/twitter freephile

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