[nycphp-talk] Tidy code utils?

G Rundlett greg.rundlett at
Wed Sep 30 22:50:00 EDT 2009

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 8:32 PM, Mutaz Musa <mutazmusa at> wrote:
> PDT for eclipse has the same feature.

Can you explain or point to how to make PDT clean up / format the PHP
source?  I was actually trying to integrate PHP_beautifier into PDT
today because I wanted to clean the source.  I didn't see how to get
PDT to format source on it's own (except for formatting HTML
attributes and such) and actually it didn't do too well with
PHP_beautifier in the sense that I couldn't find a variable to
substitute the file that I'm editing (It works on the file selected in
the navigation pane).

Greg Rundlett

nbpt 978-225-8302
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