[nycphp-talk] netbeans redux

Anthony Wlodarski ant92083 at
Wed Apr 7 13:02:43 EDT 2010

In regards to the word wrap issue, there is a feature in Netbeans where you
can set the right most margin and manually make returns.  My monitor is
1920x1080 pixels so word wrap is not really a help for me.  I can see where
this would be applicable to netbooks or laptops.  Eclipse from what I can
remember doesn't even have native support for word wrap either, they have a
plugin but it is wishy washy and barely functions correctly.  I guess the
saving grace to all of this is that Netbeans has this featured targeted for
Netbeans 7.  Take a look at the thread here:  If it was TL;DR the
gist of it is that they tried to squeeze it into 6.9 but didn't make the
deadline but it is going to be in 7 stable.


On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Allen Shaw <allen at
> wrote:

> David Mintz wrote:
>> Just wanted to express gratitude to whoever was talking up Netbeans a
>> while back. Zend Studio had simply been killing me to death here, with my
>> paltry 1 GB RAM, and I couldn't stand it anymore. Gave Netbeans a try --
>> goodbye, Zend Studio.
> My main problem with Netbeans: no wordwrap.  Will content myself with using
> Kate for now.
> --
> Allen Shaw
> "Excellence in Web software development and design"
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Anthony W.
ant92083 at
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