[nycphp-talk] ZF Tutorial written by Rob Allen

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Fri Apr 23 14:35:18 EDT 2010

On Apr 23, 2010, at 11:30 AM, Anthony Wlodarski wrote:

> Hello,
> I was trying to get situated with ZF and get my feet on solid ground  
> with the framework.  The official ZF API and Reference guides  
> lacking quite bad but little did I know that Rob Allen sits in a few  
> chat rooms I freqent on Freenode (#phpc).  Take a look at it if you  
> are just getting up and running like myself.  Quite basic but it  
> gives you the juicy stuff on the MVC pattern it uses as well as  
> working with forms, layouts, views, and validation.

Yup, Rob's tutorial is a must for neophytes.

The Official Quickstart is a good read, too.

Once you've got a basic level of comfort, and start thinking about how  
to implement your model layer, Matthew Weier O'Phinney, who IIRC is  
now the project lead for ZF, has a number of interesting blog posts:

Though they're not what you'd call tutorials,  his posts relating to  
model infrastructure and using zend_form in your models are valuable  


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