[nycphp-talk] Making text hard to copy

Brian O'Connor gatzby3jr at
Fri Aug 6 22:59:57 EDT 2010

Well, you're pretty limited to javascript (unless you output to flash
or pdf), which obviously means anyone who disables it won't be
affected. However, as you already stated you're aware of that, one
thing that might be cool is to detect the ctrl+c keys being pushed,
and reversed the selected text. That requires access to the clipboard
(not always available), and disabling right click.

I don't really think about this problem too much, but might be an
interesting idea.

On 8/6/10, J. T. Gray <jtg at> wrote:
> Output to Flash :D
> On Aug 6, 2010, at 9:50 PM, Anthony Papillion <papillion at>
> wrote:
>> I'm starting to work on a system that will require a bit of extra
>> security. One of the security protocols the customer's decided on is
>> that the outputted page should be fairly hard to copy. Yes, I know
>> making an HTML page uncopyable is impossible but I want to make it
>> as hard as possible.
>> So far, I've come up with the following possible solutions:
>> - Put all the output on an image and disable right click
>> - Output a PDF
>> Both of these solutions really feel nasty to me and don't really
>> solve the problem at all.  Does anyone have any other ideas?
>> Thanks!
>> Anthony
>> --
>> Anthony Papillion
>> Lead Developer / Owner
>> Advanced Data Concepts - "Enabling work anywhere"
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Brian O'Connor

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