[nycphp-talk] error log monitor, git, github

Gary Mort garyamort at
Tue Feb 2 12:52:55 EST 2010

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Daniel Convissor <
danielc at> wrote:

> Hola:
> Hmm...  No feedback to this response at all.  I miss a meeting so I'm
> dead to all of you? :)

Hah!  If your dead, then I'm a decomposing corpse since I moved away from
the center of the universe.

> I'm mostly curious to hear what people think about the approach I used
> for monitoring PHP error logs,

Well, if your REALLY interested, how about setting up a monitor and
integrating the growl library to send stuff to me via growl?  So whenever
there is an error during dev work, my growl client can spit it up on the
screen for a few seconds.  There is a perl Growl module in CPAN,

As for version control, I'm getting more and more interested in setting it
up with an all in one, continuous build server after reading Walter Cedric's
blogs on it:

The question is....if I go that route...since I need to switch IDE's anyway,
should I go for NetBeans which looks nice but doesn't integrate directly
with TeamCity....or pony up for JIDE which does?
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