[nycphp-talk] tabs disappearing after mail function

David Krings ramons at
Sun Feb 14 15:49:34 EST 2010

On 2/14/2010 3:43 PM, selyah wrote:
> Hello:
> I have an issue. first let me layout my site which is testing mode. I am
> having problem with the php page that handles the form information.
> the pages blocks are controlled by <div> statements, no tables. there is
> a block on the top for the logo, below that is the content block, and to
> the right is the block for the tabs, then there is the footer block at
> the bottom of the page. all of the pages work fine. problem is when I
> test the php page to handle the form information, the tabs to the right
> with the index and the footer disappears and the thank you information
> from the form also appears. In testing it, i remove the php part and run
> it and the blocks appears, when i re-enter the php portion of the code,
> they disappears again........any ideas
> PS. I am using wamp and have not configured the mail function in php.ini
> (that should not affect it should it ?)
> thanks
> */Ian
> /*

Take a look at the XHTML ooutput of your PHP code. My guess is that you echo a 
line that closes the div or html tag prematurely. When you have the PHP code 
in place and look at the source of the resulting page it is often fairly easy 
to figure out where the problem is.


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