[nycphp-talk] Eclipse, newbie impressions

Brian O'Connor gatzby3jr at
Fri Feb 26 12:48:57 EST 2010

Ah, I installed it as the eclipse plugin and I saw the option to
install their php plugins, so I figured I'd chime in.

On 2/26/10, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:
> Aptana was what convinced me to try Eclipse again.
> I gave it a shot and it installed and looked layed out the way I think.
>  However, doing Aptana as a stand alone I had all kinds of problems with
> trying to get eclipse plugins to install PLUS they have discontinued their
> PHP plugin and plan on donating code from that to PDT.  So you still have to
> use PDT[which is a shame, because their plugin had a much better feature
> set....  it was limited in that it did not support the new PHP 5.3
> functions, but since I'm not using 5.3 it didn't bother me]
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Brian O'Connor <gatzby3jr at>wrote:
>> Have you tried aptana? It was built for ror, but they took over pydev
>> and have a php plugin as well.  I just started using it and its pretty
>> decent (not sure about the code folding).
>> On 2/26/10, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:
>> > Too many little consoles..  :-)
>> >
>> > Which is the main item which has put me off.
>> >
>> > Written in Java and needing to know Java to do a lot of extending of
>> > Eclipse[though with PDT going to a markup language for rules, I might be
>> > able to do quite a bit there]
>> >
>> > Oddities with network connections:  I went through half a dozen install
>> > processes, and each one broke irrepairably at some point.
>> >
>> > Too many versions: which one to use?
>> >
>> > PHP code folding inadequacies:  just doesn't fold everything the other
>> IDE's
>> > I've used can.
>> >
>> > Source Class browsing failures:  I've yet to see a function like
>> Ultraedit
>> > where an entire project of files is kept up to date for the
>> class/function
>> > browsers.  OTOH you can emulate all this functionality if you document
>> your
>> > code as it will pick up documentation in standard formats.  So here the
>> > "downside" is a matter of getting really good at commenting code that
>> should
>> > be commented anyway!
>> >
>> > My setup:
>> >
>> > I ended up with the all in one PDT installer. Then I added in the Bzr
>> > plugins for source code repositories.  Then I REMOVED Mylin and
>> > installed
>> > the latest version of Mylin....
>> > Then I installed the Mylin/Eclipse Redmine plugin[and installed the
>> server
>> > side 2.6 plugin on my server].  Finally, the one item that caused weird
>> > problems when I installed originally, I loaded the RSE plugins[Remote
>> Server
>> > Environment].  Note: the local one caused me to be unable to open local
>> PHP
>> > files, so the 3rd time around I specifically excluded that one.
>> >
>> > I added my Redmine server to the task servers[small nit here: under the
>> > current setup, I cannot get a list of /all/ issues.  I have to add
>> project
>> > by project, and sub project by sub project.  Gotta find out why and fix
>> > that]
>> >
>> > Now, outside the "project" concept as I was debugging code that was
>> offsite,
>> > then for the Remote Servers I added my FTP and SFTP servers and was able
>> to
>> > browse those repositories online and open the files directly.  [Note:
>> small
>> > nit here, a LOT of the tools I wanted are kind of hidden.  I had to keep
>> > going to Window->ShowView->Other to get a long list of windows to find a
>> lot
>> > of these things.
>> >
>> >
>> > Ok, so with all this setup, I had 3 features to change.  So I opened the
>> > first task in my project in eclipse, checked the spec, hit activate, and
>> > then hunted around for the files on the server.  Finally found the
>> oddball
>> > layout and located the 2 PHP files that needed minor changes to.
>> > Updated
>> > and tested them.  Then when I was done, I went back to the task and used
>> the
>> > feature I am now in love with: there will be a tab to "Add Context".....
>> > click on that and you have a list of all open files[or is it files you
>> have
>> > opened?]..   Clicked save and I believe it generates an XML file of all
>> the
>> > file paths/files and zips them up, then it gets attached to the issue.
>>  Next
>> > I close the issue.
>> >
>> > So NEXT time I have to make a small change, I can go back to this issue
>> and
>> > open the context from Eclipse and it will automatically open the files
>> from
>> > the FTP server for me.
>> >
>> > Second feature, again changed 2 files.  This time I had to dig through a
>> > dozen files to find the area to change and had left them open.  As an
>> > experiment, I went to add context and sure enough, lots of stuff I did
>> not
>> > change was there.  But I could right click and remove items from the
>> context
>> > that were not relevant, and then save them.
>> >
>> > Soo... that one feature has me sold.  It was quick and easy and I will
>> live
>> > with all the other little annoyances for now to be able to easily record
>> > which files were changed directly into my project management tool AND be
>> > able to open them later[it's easy to add changed files by adding an
>> > issue
>> > keyword to the files and checking into version control - Bazaar can
>> > check
>> > files for keywords in the commits and files and update the issue id
>> number
>> > as needed - but that is one way communication, wheras this two way
>> > communication is great!]
>> >
>> --
>> Sent from my mobile device
>> Brian O'Connor
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Brian O'Connor

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