[nycphp-talk] Presenting PhpBURN Framework

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Thu Jul 1 11:05:25 EDT 2010

On Jun 30, 2010, at 8:17 PM, Klederson Bueno wrote:
> About the dev-mode can be a very nice ideia, we are ending now our reverse-engineer system to launch in the 1.0 version in next months and we surely can implement this "dev mode" too, but its a bit dangeours because if someone use this in production can generate a non performatic application because realtime sync on demand can be very painful for the server .

True.  With reverse-engineer or "scaffolding," there's the problem of what happens if your schema changes from what you thought you needed at the beginning.  You likely have to do some coding to inform the framework of the changes.  If it is automatically picked up by the system or at least cached in a separate file that you can easily delete, then the work the programmer needs to do is minimized.  But it does rely on the programmer knowing the steps that are required to make the application ready for production.

If the framework could automate writing the "CREATE TABLE" sql syntax to a file plus keep a trail of "ALTER TABLE" sql statements to perform migrations, that would also be a time saver.

Anyway, good luck with your project.

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