[nycphp-talk] talk Digest, Vol 45, Issue 1

Nicholas Hart nhart at
Tue Jul 13 07:34:15 EDT 2010


I'm trying to find an easy way to replace foreign chars in address fields
that are causing problems.  Two examples include æ (\xe6) and ð (\xf0) where
the value in parens is the mysql escape value for these chars.  There are
many more such characters and it would probably make sense to create a file
or table listing them along with their replacements.  Anyone run into this
and if so how did you solve it?

Note: the reason this causes an error is because I combine several fields
into json object to transfer to another system.  Since json does not
recognize these mysql escape chars, it errors out on each one.  Another
option would thus be to find a way to make json handle them... however, not
sure if this might cause error on other system after the transfer and json

Any suggestions appreciated.  Thanks.

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