[nycphp-talk] Getting Closure - on PHP Closures and 5.3

David Krings ramons at
Fri Jul 16 22:21:45 EDT 2010

On 7/16/2010 14:48, Hans Zaunere wrote:
> Closures - great for Javascript, but for PHP?  In a non-callback-centric
> synchronous language such as PHP, what else can we use this "syntactic
> sugar" for?  How are people using them and what can we gain from them?  And,
> the hell with code reuse?

> Late static binding - perhaps not as glamorous as the others, but begs the
> question - are things going static?  In combination with closures,
> namespaces, and considering that some of the most popular PHP
> applications/frameworks today are largely non-OO, is strict OO going the way
> of register_globals?

Uhm, for the ones like me who have no clue what this means, any pointers 
available that explain closures and late static binding in laymen terms? Any 
assistance is greatly appreciated.


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