[nycphp-talk] Mongo...sharding??

J. T. Gray jtg at
Wed Jul 28 20:53:31 EDT 2010

I went to 10gen's office hours today and asked this question.  They  
assured me that MongoDB is being sharded in production.  Incidentally,  
they also floated the possibility of using different MongoDB versions  
together.  I asked because I was interested in the possibility of  
using a stable build to collect data and a dev version to query (as  
1.7 is supposed to include more aggregation options, though I guess I  
forgot to ask which..).

On Jul 28, 2010, at 2:36 PM, Gary Mort wrote:

> So...slowly getting interested in MongoDB....
> One of the items I found interesting is the repeated assertions that  
> "Mongo is designed for sharding"....yet sharding only exists in the  
> development branch of the code...
> So, my question is, is Mongo being used in production with sharding?
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