[nycphp-talk] MAMP or XAMPP ?

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Tue Jun 8 13:51:14 EDT 2010

On May 10, 2010, at 9:15 PM, justin wrote:
> You **should** think seriously about homebrew... 

I've given homebrew a try after installing a php extension via macports upgraded php itself and started giving me segfaults in my application.

Homebrew is keen on not supplying formulas for stuff that comes with Snow Leopard (like php 5.3.1) which was fine until I realized this version of php was built without readline support and I needed it.

This post over here discusses building php 5.3 from source:  But if you look at step 7, you'll see it requires patching php for an iconv fix.

I used to compile php from source before I drank the macports kool-aid.  But hitting compile errors and needing to find patches to build php is exactly the reason I wanted to use a package manager instead.  This is where homebrew is falling short for me.

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