[nycphp-talk] Presenting PhpBURN Framework

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Wed Jun 30 00:18:20 EDT 2010

On Jun 29, 2010, at 11:45 PM, Klederson Bueno wrote:
> even virtual relationships between a MySQL <> MSSQL is possible
That's interesting.

Nice site and the framework looks like a decent beginning.  I think most of us may roll our eyes at "yet another framework."  You might want to look more towards the future and code for PHP 5.3+.  Most new frameworks that I'm excited about are taking advantage of namespaces and closures to do things that weren't previously possible in PHP.

Another suggestion is to offer a "dev mode" for your ORM classes that automates the mappings by reading the database schema.  Maybe some way to output the mappings code.  It seems unnecessary to have to write this:

$this->getMap()->addField('id_user','id_user','int',10,array('autoincrement' => true, 'primary' => true));

Also, you're violating php's naming convention by having a public method that begins with an underscore (public function _mapping()).

Those are my quick two cents.  Congratulations on getting your project this far off the ground!

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