[nycphp-talk] html to PDF conversion?

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Fri Mar 5 10:13:30 EST 2010

The best solution I have seen uses webkit create the PDFs.  You get
pretty much the same results as using the print feature in

I don't know if it will run on your system, but it is worth a look:

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 3:07 AM, David Roth <davidalanroth at> wrote:
> The solution doesn't have to be written in PHP, but it's fine if it is as
> long as it works.
> I'm looking for a command-line way to convert HTML to a PDF on CentOS 5.4,
> because I need to do this in a shell script to create the webpage as a .PDF
> file.
> I've looked at xhtml2pdf written in Python, but CentOS 5.4 is still running
> Python 2.4 and the best I can tell it needs Python 2.5 or later cause I
> couldn't get it to work.
> I also tried PDF-FromHTML-0.31 which is written in PERL, but requires
> HTML::TIDY which seems to be unavailable currently.
> Thanks in advance for any advice. If this is now considered trivial to do in
> PHP and I've just not stumbled across it yet, please enlighten me.
> David Roth
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