[nycphp-talk] Searching an Entire MySQL Database

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Thu Nov 4 09:41:10 EDT 2010

> On 11/4/2010 08:32, ps at wrote:
> > I am wondering if anyone has had to search an entire database and do a
> > search and replace on a string. That is to search in every table, in
> > every row, in every field.
> export the entire database into a file
> use PHP (or a good editor) to make the replacement line by line
> drop the database
> re-create it by importing the modified file
I've had to do something similar.  Yes, use mysqldump.  Then use sed (if you're on a *nix machine).  Sed does search and replace by streaming the file rather than buffering the whole thing so it won't run out of memory no matter how big your dump is.  You can send the output to a new file.  Definitely test out importing it back in on a non-production machine.

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