[nycphp-talk] mysql connection

William Klein willie at
Mon Nov 15 11:16:56 EST 2010

When I get to the bottom of what's happening I will post my ultimate
But the MySQL server is listening on the port.  Here's why I thought it was
my PHP setup
The apache server will connect to mysql running on the local host with
selinux enforcing
I can connect to the remote mysql server with command line mysql commands 
Mysql -u root -h -p
The apache server will not connect to the remote server with selinux
The apache server will connect to the remote server with selinux in
permissive mode.

Therefore I have come to the conclusion that my issue is with selinux.
Since I want the security enhanced features of selinux I will figure out
what the issue is and post the ultimate resolution.

I appreciate all the input and I will post back what I find.

-----Original Message-----
From: Donald J. Organ IV [mailto:dorgan at] 
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 10:00 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] mysql connection

Apache doesn't connect to mysql.... I believe your issue is what I stated
earlier mySQL is not listening on your private ip address....edit your
my.cnf file
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