[nycphp-talk] PHP & Google Calendar

Christopher R. Merlo cmerlo at
Mon Nov 15 13:25:47 EST 2010

Hi everyone.  I'm having a problem trying to use the Zend-provided PHP hooks
into Google Calendar.  After Googling, I found one person who seems to have
had the same problem, but it's not clear what resolution, if any, that
person achieved.

Briefly, I'm using the ClientLogin method to connect to Google, which works
fine.  I instantiate the Zend_Gdata_Calendar object, and that works fine
(because I can see all its guts in a print_r).  But any call to the object's
getCalendarListFeed( ) or getCalendarEventFeed( ) methods not only doesn't
work, the PHP script immediately dies.  No exception to catch, no more
output, nothing.  But the syntax is ok (and php -l script_name.php confirms
this).  Any help will be appreciated.  Thanks.
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