[nycphp-talk] Talk Proposal: Unit Testing

Bulat Shakirzyanov mallluhuct at
Wed Nov 24 09:39:42 EST 2010

Hi fellow PHP'ers!

Yesterday I attended my very first NYC PHP UG meetup
dedicated to the past ZendCon. I found it very interesting
and could contribute to discussion a lot, since I've been
there this year.

It's a pity I didn't have a chance to meet Hans Zaunere as
I wanted to propose a talk for one of the upcoming meetups.
As a huge fan of testing, I'd like to share my experiences
with it by giving a talk called "Unit Testing - a guide to writing
clean, testable code, that will be easy to maintain and
extend". I gave it to our local NYC Symfony meetup group
and also won the ZendUncon with it this year.

You can find the slides on slideshare:
They are fairly easy to read and follow.

I'd love any feedback you can give and would be honored
to talk about unit testing at on of the NYC PHP UG meetups


*Bulat Shakirzyanov* | Software Alchemist

*a: *
*e:* mallluhuct at
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