[nycphp-talk] Solr client libraries.

Dan Cech dcech at
Mon Oct 25 11:46:18 EDT 2010


> Currently I am developing with the Solr library found here:
>  It is a full featured
> library and so far I am enjoying how the libraries have been built
> (easy drop in for zend framework thanks to the naming conventions.

I've had good luck with that lib, it's straightforward and gets the job 
done.  Most other http code I use is based on cURL rather than 
file_get_contents and it would be nice to have that option if you're 
running without fopen url support.  So far it hasn't been an issue but 
it would be simple to extend the service class and modify the utility 
methods it uses for http.

> I don't think I will be changing libraries but it is also good to
> know what else is out there.  What are you using to interface with
> Sorl and why do you like it?

It supports everything I've needed so far, haven't messed around yet 
with some of the new features in the latest Solr but I'm guessing it'll 
handle those ok too.

Bottom line, it's simple, lightweight and works.


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