[nycphp-talk] Intermittent Header() Redirect Failures

J. T. Gray jtg at
Fri Sep 24 11:45:00 EDT 2010

This is an odd one, but I'm hoping someone here can shed some light on this
for me...  I have two sites on different dedicated servers and am passing
visitors from one to another, based on specific actions.  To do this, I use
Header("Location:"); and successfully redirect the
majority of users.  However, anywhere from 5-30% of traffic never makes it
to the other site, according to the apache logs on each.  I'm unable to
duplicate the problem, as it seems to only happen under a real life load
(moderate, though, not heavy), but I have visitors who show up in the logs
for box 1 and not box 2.  I added a Try {} Catch {} block to the header
redirect, to collect more useful troubleshooting details, but I never got a
single alert, suggesting the php redirect was successful.

I find it hard to accept that 5-30% of traffic simply won't make it to its
destination without a trace, but I can run test after test of actual traffic
and see that, even in the small tests, many visitors are not redirecting.
Does anyone know why this would happen and/or what's happening and/or how to
set up a good test to trace visitors from one site to another?

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