[nycphp-talk] How much is a site redesign worth?

Anthony Papillion papillion at
Sat Apr 2 00:04:02 EDT 2011

Hi Bruce,

I think it largely depends where you are. For example, if you're in
NYC, you can easily command a *much* higher rate than I can here in
Oklahoma. In NYC, the going rate is $90+ an hour I hear while I work
comfortably here for $25.50 to $30 an hour. So depending on where you
are, you might not be undercharging at all.

Check your competition and see what they charge. Set your prices
according to your local market.


On 4/1/11, Bruce Martin <bmartin at> wrote:
> Hi all, I was wondering how much the going rate for a website redesign is
> going for now days. I am always turned down in my town for charging too
> much, but I really can't see doing a site for less.
> I think I am under charging. Sorry to bring this up but it is really eating
> away at me, as I know I would have loved to been in on this bidding, if in
> deed it did go up for bid.
> Bruce Martin
> c. 917-727-8230
> p. 570-421-0670
> bmartin at

Sent from my mobile device

Anthony Papillion
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