[nycphp-talk] How much is a site redesign worth?

tedd tedd.sperling at
Sat Apr 2 14:18:14 EDT 2011

At 3:19 AM -0500 4/2/11, Anthony Papillion wrote:
>Hmm...good points Kristina and it brought up a few things I'd not
>considered. Perhaps I need to raise my rates a bit.

Anthony et al:

Kristina knows her stuff and charges accordingly. I would listen to her.

You will always find clients who say they can find professional 
developers for much less than what you charge no matter what you 
charge -- that goes with the territory. You have to understand that 
you either stand your ground, or comply, but you are the one who has 
to live with the decision.

I had one client, back when I charged on $50/hour (I now charge 
$100/hour), say to me "$50 and hour!!! I never paid that much for 
anything. Would you considering working for $25 per hour?" I replied, 
"Sure, but it will take me twice as long to get anything done."

The client didn't hire me, but a year later he came back asking me 
the same question and complaining that he couldn't find a good 
developer. Some clients learn slow.




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