[nycphp-talk] Pear::LiveUser (or other ACL / RBAC Package)

Jake McGraw jmcgraw1 at
Wed Feb 2 19:52:19 EST 2011

What were some of the short comings you encountered while using Zend_Acl? I
switched a fairly large PHP app to Zend Framework a year ago and thought
Zend_Acl was a helpful component over the homegrown system we had built.

- jake

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 1:55 PM, Bill P. <maxarbos at> wrote:

> Hello,
> Does anyone have any experience with PEAR::LiveUser ?
> It's still listed as beta, but been around for a long time even before the
> last release.
> I am looking for an ACL / RBAC package and management component, but not
> finding much.
> A year and a half or so ago, I used ZF ACl, but was not totally happy with
> it.
> So any suggestions would be great.
> Thanks.
> Bill
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