[nycphp-talk] Posting for Talk List

Mary Stock marystock107 at
Mon Jan 24 11:24:24 EST 2011

Wordpress - php very experienced developer wanted - to check work on site.  I have a health newspaper (small site) being built on Wordpress with php. I  have a developer who has taken five months so far to give me anything, and what he gave me made me untrusting of what he's actually done. Since I don't know code--and he hasn't shown me any--I need someone to check the coding and other aspects of the site and confirm that what he says is done is actually done. This will take no more than two hours--maybe one, at a meeting w/them. The right person will be decisive and knowledgeable. Pay involved. Please send c.v. and e-mail address/phone to: scorpiorising275[at]hotmail[dot]com.
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