[nycphp-talk] set allow_url_fopen outside of php.ini?

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Thu Jul 7 10:14:06 EDT 2011

> On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 9:11 AM, <ms at> wrote:
> I am in a situation where I need allow_url_fopen to be on, but it is off and I have no access to php.ini (which, according to the docs, is the only place where it can be set). Does anybody have any ideas about how I can either work around this or set it?

On Jul 7, 2011, at 9:42 AM, Federico Ulfo wrote:
> You should ask to your provider... and just give a try with an .htaccess config, not sure, but it might work
> php_value allow_url_fopen = On

.htaccess is a good suggestion.  Otherwise, perhaps the curl extension is installed and you can workaround to use that instead?


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