[nycphp-talk] Wordpress & Ajax

Kristina Anderson ka at
Sat Jul 9 10:04:55 EDT 2011

Let's face it, there is NO other list anywhere that can hope to measure 
up to the NY-PHP list.


On 7/9/2011 9:53 AM, Rob Marscher wrote:
> On Jul 9, 2011, at 12:24 AM, "Margaret Waldman"<mmwaldman at>  wrote:
>> Anyone know of a good javascript forum, I have a question about processing the xml in jquery returned from post.  I know how to process it with straight javascript.
> I don't think jquery provides any utilities for handling XML. You might find a plugin that does it - but there's no reason not to use straight javascript if you know something that works.
> I don't have a javascript forum to recommend.  It could be worthy of a special nyphp-js list here since javascript and php go pretty hand in hand these days and I'm sure many people here are experts in javascript in addition to php. Or actually, I think we have a nyphp-frontend list already. I guess the only problem is those special lists don't see the same amount of activity as the nyphp-talk list.
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