[nycphp-talk] db design/ app logic: making certain rows immutable

David Mintz david at
Fri Jul 15 10:04:43 EDT 2011

On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Philip Camilleri <
philip.camilleri at> wrote:

> hi David,
> simply put -- No!
> It's not quite good design, and you risk having several issues down the
> road. Better to split the table in two (even though from a normalized design
> perspective, that's not quite right -- however, you give yourself a lot more
> flexibility, and then can either create a view joining both tables, or just
> join in your queries).
> Phil.

Well, I'm not totally convinced, and I haven't described my scenario in any
detail to try to convince you. But it's food for thought that I will duly

Whenever I see myself getting too fancy, Occam's Razor makes me skeptical of
my own thinking. And I do have the Razor here hovering over my shoulder.

David Mintz
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