[nycphp-talk] JoomlaDay NYC and JoomlaDEVDay NYC announded

M Konop mkonop at
Mon Jun 6 09:43:37 EDT 2011

10/22: JoomlaDayNYC
This is a typical Joomla day with multiple tracks, for people at all levels,
interested in learning Joomla and those who already know Joomla.

10/23: JoomlaDEVDay NYC
This day is dedicated to Developers only!
1. Are you interested in the Joomla! Framework?
Louis Landry will have a 3 hour interactive Workshop based on the Joomla!
Framework only...take what you like about Joomla! and leave the rest!

2. Are you interested in pure component development?
Geraint Edwards will run a 2 hour interactive Workshop dedicated just how to
build Joomla! components, things to think of, and how to make them work.

3. Are you interested in template development?
Matt Thomas will be running a template development workshop.

4. Are you interested in managing your development environment using GIT?
Forest Mars will be presenting a 2 hour workshop on GIT.

5.  Still want more???  There will be more!  This Dev day is sure to be a
success and a sell out!

For either event, visit: www . JoomlaDayNYC . com specific schedules are
currently posted.

Marian Konop
Gotham Websites
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