[nycphp-talk] Apologies

Aaron Greenspan aarong at
Sun Mar 27 13:12:15 EDT 2011


My apologies for the e-mail that went out earlier from my account. It 
was not supposed to go to lists, and despite my best efforts it went out 
to this one anyway.

The reason I'm on the list at all is not random; I started using PHP in 
2000 and my company's products are all built in PHP. I've done my best 
to contribute to and support the language, but obviously marketing 
material doesn't belong on a development list.

Thanks for your help over the years and my apologies once again.


Think Computer Corporation 	

*Aaron Greenspan*
President & CEO
Think Computer Corporation

/telephone/ +1 415 670 9350
/toll free/ +1 888 815 8599
/fax/ +1 415 373 3959
/e-mail/ aarong at

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