[nycphp-talk] Can Javascript call a PHP program and read the results?

David Roth davidalanroth at
Mon May 30 02:42:58 EDT 2011

I'm using for a blog platform for a new website. It has a  
lot of benefits as a blog, but it also has the restriction of not  
being able to embed PHP code in the HTML theme template. (Yes, I know,  
my feelings exactly! :-) )

But Tumblr does support Javascript. What I'm trying to do is get the  
county code of the user so that different links can be presented to  
them that matches their country. Serving up different links based on  
the country code would be handled by Javascript.

There is a Javascript Google library jsapi, but it doesn't work  
properly for county code. For example,  I'm in the New York City metro  
area and it says I'm in Canada, not the US. I don't recalling having  
this kind of problem with PHP scripts, so I'd like to use a PHP  
script. But I don't know of a way in JavaScript to be able to call a  
PHP script and make the result accessible with the Javascript so it  
can serve up the correct country links.

I admit I've not done much Javascript programming compared to PHP, so  
I'm not sure if I'm overlooking something. Maybe this is a AJAX and  
jQuery task? I'd appreciate it if someone could offer a workable  

Thanks in advance!

David Roth

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