[nycphp-talk] analysis of php attacks

Gary Mort garyamort at
Wed Nov 9 09:58:30 EST 2011

On 10/20/2011 5:10 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
> It would be more interesting to find out that these attacks are 
> happening in VPSes or private servers, which would indicated a real 
> exploit, rather than on GoDaddy or Dreamhost or some other shared system.

I find there are 3 classifications of attacks to be concerned about, and 
each is problematic to address.

One is known PHP exploits.  The problem with known PHP exploits is that 
there are a number of ways to secure a system against them, but quite 
often PHP programmers have this idealized view that basically shifts the 
responsibility for security to the underlying operating system.  There 
are quite a number of exploits based on writing or appending to an 
existing file where if the file was read only, even if still owned by 
the web server process and able to chmod it at will from within PHP, 
those exploits would be stopped cold.  Coders are lazy though and they 
claim "well, if you can WRITE to the file, then you can change the file 
permissions, so why should I do extra work whenever I want to write a file".

The next is based on shared hosts and leaving files writable to other 
virtual hosts running on the system, so one compromise allows all to be 
compromised.  Instead of taking steps to minimize that, the solution 
proposed seems to be run your own VPS.

Yet the VPS has it's own problem in that most of them don't bother to 
lock out users who repeatedly try to ftp/sftp to the system - thereby 
being open to dictionary attacks.

The solution is to take security seriously and actually attempt to plug 
as many holes as possible, never just declare it as someone else's 
problem and that "all will be better if only you do..."

Just MHO


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