[nycphp-talk] Current PHP developer rates

Jerry B. Altzman jbaltz at
Thu Nov 17 23:08:44 EST 2011

on 11/17/2011 3:44 PM Joseph Crawford said the following:
> OH BOY remind me not to hire you :)

Your loss in that case.

>> it depends on the length of the job, what's involved, how much money they have...
> Why does how much money the client has determine what you are going to charge.  Sounds to me
> like you don't have a solid figure on what you feel you are worth and just try to get as much $$ as you can.

Actually, it is not uncommon to charge different *industries* different 
rates; nonprofits typically get lower per-hour rates. There is a 
perception about cost and value going on.

And...what precisely is wrong with trying to get as much $$ as you can? 
I like hacking, but I also like paying the mortgage on time, funding my 
other hobbies, paying for the kids' schools...

jerry b. altzman | jbaltz at | | twitter:@lorvax
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