[nycphp-talk] Creating a URL

Rukbat rukbat at
Wed Nov 30 08:19:27 EST 2011

Telling her that it's as simple as setting up a WAMP stack is like 
telling a good programmer that design is as simple as downloading  A really good designer is right-brained.  A really good 
developer is left-brained.  The last person of whom I'm aware who was 
both left- and right-brained was Leonardo da Vinci - it's that rare.  
People should stick to what they're good at, and get others to do what 
they really aren't physically equipped to do.   It's no shame if an 
artist can't figure out how to write code, or if a short person can't 
play pro basketball.

(BTW, some people who have CS degrees would have been better off going 
for a BFA.)
> I've seen guys with Computer Science degrees, btw, have problems 
> setting up WAMP. :)
> On 11/30/2011 12:08 AM, bruce amick wrote:
>> And after you download and install Mamp/Wamp/or Xampp you can go to 
>> w3schools for some pretty easy to follow tutorials and examples: 
>> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:53 PM, Federico Ulfo 
>> <rainelemental at <mailto:rainelemental at>> wrote:
>>     It's easy, download MAMP <> for
>>     Macintosh or WAMP <> for
>>     Windows, they will install all you need, Apache, MySql, PHP.
>>     After that you can start create an index.php file in your web
>>     folder and test it on your http://localhost/ with your browser.
>>     Enjoy
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