[nycphp-talk] analysis of php attacks

Matt Kaufman mkfmncom at
Thu Oct 20 17:13:36 EDT 2011

ARP MITM attack on your RackSpace Cloud instance and check for yourself; there are various 'routes' to obscenities of your imagination; lol.


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 20, 2011, at 2:10 PM, Chris Snyder <chsnyder at> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Matthew Kaufman <mkfmncom at> wrote:
>> Quite a bit of ways and way too many to list
> Yes, exactly.
> All of those things we saw back in 2004 that were unbelievably sloppy
> are still around. The bad guys are just getting better at finding and
> exploiting them. Aided by easy access to stolen credit card info, no
> doubt. How secure is a shared web host against attack by a customer?
> Not very.
> It would be more interesting to find out that these attacks are
> happening in VPSes or private servers, which would indicated a real
> exploit, rather than on GoDaddy or Dreamhost or some other shared
> system.
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