[nycphp-talk] Most common Framework

Klederson Bueno klederson at
Thu Sep 15 08:58:30 EDT 2011

Have you guys checked out PhpBURN?

It have a REALLY strong and powerfull ORM/DATAMAPPER/DAO it's model layer is
very powerful with some cool features such as:

* Relationships ( with clauses... it means you can put limit, order, where,
like and other things into relationships call before call them to avoid
unecessary data and server load )
* Vertical relationships ( a Model can extends another working as only one
but having different tables transparently to the developer )
* Relationship between differente databases and DBMS ( you can extend or
have a relationship between a mysql and a mssql for exaple or vice versa )
* Easy to learn and very plug and play.

If you guys want i can talk about it a little and i'm avaliable to help .

 * *PHP Architect/Consultant*
 * *@author* Klederson Bueno <klederson [at] klederson [dot] com>
 * *@see*
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 * *@about *

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 2:25 AM, Marc Vose <suzerain at> wrote:

> Hi there:
> I'm strongly considering migrating some future projects to MODX Revolution.
> It sort of sits in that space between a low-level framework, and something
> 'polished' and not-as-easily-extensible like ExpressionEngine. It tries to
> do core functionality + content management, but not output, which is what
> hits the sweet spot for at least some of our work.
> Sorry, it's not 5…and as for 'popular', I'm not sure if it will help from
> the standpoint of marketing your services.
> Cheers,
> Marc
> Le Sep 14, 2011 à 5:42 PM, Bruce Martin a écrit :
> > This may be controversial but I would like to know what the conceived top
> 5 PHP frameworks are. You don't have to list why, just an order from most
> popular, i.e. there is more demand for developers with experience using the
> framework. The reason I ask, is I have just spent a year working with
> CakePhp, which has it's benefits, but I have also seem some flaws with it.
> So when I'm ready to move on, I would like to go in the direction of flow in
> the industry.
> >
> >
> > Bruce Martin
> > c. 917-727-8230
> > p. 570-421-0670
> > bmartin at
> >
> >
> >
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