[nycphp-talk] Most common Framework

Yitzchak Schaffer yitzchak.schaffer at
Fri Sep 23 10:17:04 EDT 2011

On 09/14/2011 16:44, Jesse Sanford wrote:
> I don't use software if the documentation is not up to snuff. Don't
> take api/(insert language here)doc as enough. When you are getting up
> to speed in a new technology you need much more handholding or face
> hair loss. You need cookbooks, working examples, CURRENT api and
> method signatures. etc.

This is my pain with trying to learn symfony2 this week. I'm trying some 
stuff out, and just find myself repeatedly coming to a point and 
thinking, "okay, now what the heck am I supposed to do to achieve X?" 
Not so symfony1... not sure if it has better documentation or just b/c 
of the years of experience I have with it, but symfony1 seemed much more 
transparent, in a good way. The vertical Askeet/Jobeet tutorials were of 
course a big help. Actually I remember that the major changes for 1.2 
threw me off, but nothing as bad as this.

My main problem is divesting myself of the assumptions of the framework. 
Kohana was perfect for this; I had a weird, weird backend from a Perl 
application, for which I crafted a Kohana front-end; it was perfectly 
flexible, and the 2.3-something documentation was at least adequate.

Then their community welched on the 2.4 release they'd been promising, 
and lost my trust. :(  Goes to show how important community is, to me 

Haven't looked at CI in years, maybe time for a revisit. The whole 
let's-hug-PHP4 thing they had going at the time was a huge turnoff for me.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

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